Holdem Manager 3 now features Situational Views. Let's see what's new in the tracker functionality and how the latest version of Hold'em Manager differs from the previous ones. The platform looks beautiful and allows users to customize every detail of the tracker with a few clicks. The HM3 developers have done a great job to improve the software interface, and now it has become more friendly and available in many languages besides English. Holdem Manager 3 keeps pace with the times and 100% meets the needs of poker players. The third version of the "Manager" has acquired a redesigned interface, has become faster, user-friendly, and added even more stats, reports, and filters.

Several years ago, the developers rolled out a global software update.
Or you can download and install one of the many engineered HUDs available on the Internet. The data and visualization can be fine-tuned to suit your needs. If you run a tracker during a session, it will work in the background, displaying the so-called HUD statistics on opponents on the tables. The results are conveniently displayed in a window. HM takes these files and creates a database with them, calculates game statistics for any taste. Text files with information about all the hands you have played are stored in a folder on your computer. The built-in HUD software displays statistics on villains in real-time, which allows you to find and exploit any weakness. You can upload your hand history, comprehensively study your game, as well as your opponents, detect and fix leaks. It's a powerful tool with many functions. Holdem manager 3 is the world's most popular tracker tool for collecting and analyzing poker statistics. Holdem Manager 3 - overview and principle of operation